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Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Ramblings

The Caswell Countdown has begun! I am so excited about our trip this year. It is one of my favorite Women’s Ministry activities we do. I am so thankful that several years ago we decided to go with FBC-Smithfield and check it out. This year having Phyllis Elvington back to speak is going to be an awesome treat! And the weather is going to cooperate nicely it seems! Tonight I will make it through Leviticus and I must confess that I will be happy to move into a NT Book for a few days. Don‘t get me wrong. I love all of God’s Word because He spoke it into existence, but those laws of sacrifices make me tired. When I read through the Bible I try to put myself in it…yes in the text right beside Moses and Aaron and the 2 million whining Israelites. And I tell you between the whining and all of the laws of sacrifice…it is a wonder Moses was sane! Without God in control and being his Friend, it is very clear Moses would have been suicidal at best. Moses saw in Exodus Aaron was going to be no help after the whole golden calf incident. And then last night Billie showed us in Numbers where Miriam turned out to be a stumbling block too. But Moses clung to God through it all…no matter the circumstance he cried out to God for deliverance, safety, and just to unload his mind.

That is the example we need to follow…cling to God instead of other humans. I’ve said it before that humans will let you down every time…can I get an amen?

Be a blessing this week and CLING TO HIM!
In Him,
Kristy is an update!!! woohoo!!! I am hanging in there!!! If you are this to catch up!

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