Click SMC Intro (under Labels) to learn about the Scripture Memory Challenge - and then look for posts on 1st and 15th of each month!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

SMC - Feb 1st 2012

Howdy Ladies!
It's Scripture Memory Challenge Day...yay!!!

This time I am memorizing Gal 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". NIV

How many of you know what a "dry spell" is? And no...I don't mean the weather! I have been in a sort of spiritual dry spell myself the last few months. Most of you have probably noticed...if you know me well. I just haven't been myself. I have felt like I was in some kind of a spiritual slump...almost a fog. Don't get me wrong, I have still been doing my daily Bible read through and loving Jesus with all my heart, soul and mind...but I haven't been seeking Him with all my heart, soul and mind...and believe me there is a difference in loving Jesus and seeking Jesus. I have no excuse other than...I got lazy!

In my non-theological view..."loving" Jesus is fairly's kind of like loving your parents or your kids or your friends. It is natural. Afterall, we love because He first loved relationships in life most people that love us, we love them back. It is rewarding. It is joyful. It requires no real "work". Just a feeling/emotion. However, "love" is surface at times and at times even shallow if we are willing to be honest.

"Seeking" Jesus is much is filling up all your spare time with His Word, prayer, Bible Study. It is dying to self with every decision of every minute of every day. It is a 24/7 me-last and Jesus-first and others-second mentality. It is serving others when you would much rather slap them. Did I mention it is hard? It is anything but natural. BUT the reward is VERY BIG. and well, very personal and intimate. I would even say the reward is AWESOME. A word that is widely overused today to describe things that are in fact not awesome. I can think of so many words to use but honestly the reward from seeking Jesus is...basically indescribable.

I have been missing that in my life the last few months...but I am back...and I intend to do some good...I am not going to grow weary...because the Bible tells me so...

and it starts...with hiding His Word in my that what my mouth spills out from the overflow of the full of Jesus's Words not mine! How sweet would that be?

Anyone else want to commit to the challenge this year?? Click the SMC Intro on the side of the page for the details.

Let's hear your verse.

In Him,

Stay tuned...I am reading an AMAZING new book...and I cannot wait to tell you about it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning,
    I am gonna jump on the SMC this year. I started last year but when my life changed I kinda dropped it to the wayside. I may spend the first month reviewing ones I learned before and seeing if they are still trapped somewhere in this head of mind. Sometimes the chemo has a way of fogging things out for a bit but then the clarity comes back and is in fact getting better even when I just had chemo. So Yay GOD! Love ya sisters
