Click SMC Intro (under Labels) to learn about the Scripture Memory Challenge - and then look for posts on 1st and 15th of each month!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Missed it!

Well...I missed the awesome sermon yesterday morning. I have heard it was wonderful and I hate that I didn't hear it...BUT...I was loving on some babies in the nursery instead! And there were plenty of babies to love! ha The toddler nursery can be so rewarding at times. Yesterday was one of those days where a couple wanted to snuggle. Granted I think one or two were just trying to wipe their snotty noses on my But I'll take the hugs and smooches anyway I can get them!

So last night in my reading the Israelites made it across the red sea. It is one of my favorite stories. I remember Pastor Tim preaching on it once and explaining that there is much speculation that the place the Israelites crossed was really only knee deep. And folks say it wasn't really completely parted. And some folks had even changed their mind based on these "scientific" studies. But there are a couple things I would like to mention...1) the Bible says they crossed on dry land and I believe it was bone the desert 2) the Bible says there was a wall of water...and I have not seen any knee deep walls so I believe it was a wall (taller than a person!) 3) if it was only knee deep (which I do not believe) ...then what a miracle it truly was that all the Egyptian men and horses drowned in knee deep water! I could see infants drowning...but grown men...and horses! =)

Anyway...the point (if there was one) to this post is to ask do you know what you believe when it comes to the Bible? Can people make you doubt? If you don't know what the Bible are sitting prey for satan to put your head in your Bible!!!!

If you need more challenging from someone the book Radical (I finished over the weekend). There is a year long radical challenge to do 5 simple things:

To pray for the entire world.
To read through the entire Word. (in a year)
To sacrifice your money for a specific purpose.
To give your time in another context (ie week long Mission Trip).
To commit your life to a multiplying community. (your home church!!)

Loooooooook at #2...I have been challenging you of this for quite some time. Some of you tried and did not make it all the way.....TRY AGAIN! Some of you never attempted it...START NOW!!! Pray for God to help you succeed! You have to stand firm in what you believe...and the only way to stand firm is to KNOW it!!!!

Also...thanks to everyone who came to the WMU Celebration yesterday! There were like 150 people there! It was AWESOME!!!!

Have a great week!

Be a blessing to someone!!!

In Him,

Kristy =)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Just call me Moses...

I am reading in Exodus right now...and Moses cracks me up! It is a wonder God did not strike him down and move on. I mean, can you believe the nerve he had basically telling God no FOUR different times (ex 3:11,13 and 4:1,10). And afterwards in verse 4:14 it says "Then the LORD's anger burned against Moses...". Right there I would expect lightning bolt from heaven but instead God brought in Aaron and gave an alternate plan that still included Moses but made it more bearable for him. Talk about slow to anger and abounding in love and faithfulness!!!

And then I realized as I was shaking my head thinking how CRAZY it all sounded and that Moses was walking on thin ice and if I was in God's shoes I would hit me...I AM MOSES!!!!

Ashamedly floods of thoughts came washing in of times that I felt the prick in the heart to do something and I ignored it. The simple little tiny things that I didn't even do! It is amazing God hasn't send me a lightening bolt! He is so merciful! Praise Him! It is so easy to judge how others should respond in situations, but how about how we should respond? What if we spent more energy judging ourselves and our own heart than trying to play Holy Spirit and convict others??? Might be interesting...might be helpful in Kingdom building...might be a challenge to us all...

Hope you had a good Friday!
Go home and judge yourself tonight =)

In Him,
Kristy =)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


That's what my house is right now...QUIET! It is a miracle!!! is just late! haha
The kids are in bed and Travis hasn't made it in from the road yet. Why is it that bed time is a fuss almost every night? I know I will look back and miss these days...but while you are living's hard to imagine missing it!

Tim talked on Prayer tonight. One of my favorite stories from Daniel. We should all take lessons from Daniel and his committment to prayer. In Beth Moore's Bible Study, Daniel, she says something similar to "Nothing shakes the heavenlies like the prayer of God's people". I wrote it down because I just love that thought...reminds me of the story in Acts where the people prayed and the "place was shaken". Jack gave an example of having to "disengage" a situation and pray about it. I absolutely LOVED that example! How often am I so engaged in a situation that I forget to stop and pray and turn it over to God!!! I think "disengage and pray" may be my new goal!

Honestly, prayer is one discipline I need to improve on. I keep meaning to start a prayer journal but something always distracts me. I keep intending to have a dedicated period of prayer each day but something comes up in the time slot. I am really good at praying immediately when there is a need, but I am sporatic at the deep prayer/listening that needs to be done daily. I know that you can't hear God's whisper if you do not take time to slow down and listen...but I need help in making it happen!

So if you have a spare prayer tonight...lift me up...and my quest to be more disciplined and to disengage and pray in the process!

In Him,
Kristy =)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Personal Sacrifice...ouch

So my man stepped on my football loving toes last night...haha He did point out when we were at home that he did not throw me under the bus by announcing that some nights I do my Daily Bible Reading with the tv on mute...on a ball game! Honestly...I am just too lazy to get the other remote to turn it completely off! I never look up...but it is there flashing quietly in the background. Maybe tonight I'll get the remote BEFORE I get in the chair! :)

As women, I think we sacrifice a lot and don't even count it as sacrifice. We sacrifice ourselves for husbands, children, etc. But do we sacrifice ourselves for Jesus? I know I sacrifice daily for my loved ones...sacrifice my time, talents, finances, etc. In ways I never dreamed I would serve others...ha! But do I daily sacrifice for Jesus those same things? Do others see me sacrificing daily for Jesus? When folks look at my life do they think "wow, she loves Jesus enough to give up anything she has" or do they say " wow she loves living in this world"? Despite what I once is VERY important what others see when they look at you. You can't witness very well if you are not highly thought of by folks!

Travis gave us a few personal sacrifice examples. We can add countless others to the list. But because it is a PERSONAL sacrifice...your list is not like anyone else's. Sacrificing ball games on the tv might mean nothing to you whereas it is important to me. Sacrificing financially might mean nothing to you if you have more money than you can spend. Sacrificing is personal and every person is different.

Examine your life...what can you give up for Jesus? What can bring you out of your comfort zone in His name? For Travis...he didn't say it...but preaching two Sunday night services in a row is WAY out of his comfort zone. But God was with him to guide him and give him calmness and peace.

What is God calling you to do for Him as a personal sacrifice???? Be a blessing to someone today! If you don't know who to me...I have a list of women needing an uplifting touch!

In Him,
Kristy =)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It left me...

I had this great thing to share but I can't remember what it
Let me was something Tim sparked in his message...I'll save this as a draft and maybe it will come to me...hehehe

OK...It never came to me =)

So..instead lets talk about disciplines. Not like spanking but like structure, regiment, you know...being a "disciplined" person. I have tried SO hard over these last years to be disciplined in a few areas...Bible Reading daily, Bible Study, and regular exercise to name a few.

Well...I think I told y'all I was back on weight watchers so I am trying to be more disciplined in what I eat too. But I am not. I have made it almost 3 weeks on WW stayin gin my points but I am hungry....and now at work these mean people have started a pool. I told them I could make it until 3/31 without falling off the WW wagon. And here is what they did to my white board at work:

Yes...none of them think I can make it until the end of Feb!!!! They know me too well!

So I am going to turn it over to God...if He can make me disciplined in all those areas I listed...I know He can make me disciplined to stay on WW. He is bigger than the white board!

What do you need to give to Him in your life and ask Him to help you stay disciplined?

In Him,

Kristy =)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Night Event!

Sorry I did not know caps lock was on and I am too lazy to erase it and start it over...which is hilarious since I just typed an extra two lines to explain that!

Anyway...Women on Mission is tonight at church at 7pm on the Adult SS Hall. Not sure which room yet...there was a schedule conflict. If you have never been...COME and bring a friend. (and yes, I knew caps lock was on for that one!). I am going to try and make it for the first time in MONTHS. Your WMU Director of the year(haha) has had a conflict all of 2010!!!! But tonight...might be the night! Pray for me to get there girls! I have missed it!

Or if you don't want to go to can go prayer driving at 6:30.

Opportunities for Christian fellowship and activity are abundant these days! Which bring me to today's ponderful do you spend your minutes? I read somewhere...Lord only knows where and when...that life can be measured by minutes. We get 1440 of them every day. How do you spend them? Do you spend them on yourself? your family? the lost? praying? reading the Bible? (uhhhmmm 15 minutes is all I am challenging you to!!!) sleeping? watching tv? whining? arguing?

What do you do with the 1440 minutes each day that are a gift to you from God? How many are spent on ETERNAL activities? versus worldly activities? Make a list of your is eye opening!!!! Example...most of us work an 8 hour job so that is 480 minutes to our bosses. We eat 3 meals a day and clean up behind the household...that is about 180 minutes. Some of us have to go to bed at 10pm to keep from turning into a pumpkin...and we MIGHT be too lazy to get up we spend 510 hours sleeping. That ONLY leaves us 270 minutes to give to eternal activities or to the world. Where did you spend your extras today?????? or yesterday??????

So tonight...with your extra minutes...come support your church...or you can stay home...and spend your minutes doing something else...

In Him,

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Surprises often do you have your weekend planned out minute by minute and then SURPRISE!!! something changes it second by second. Well that was our weekend! But the grace of God and His perfect timing...we made it all work and were blessed in the process.

The Prayer Vigil was awesome! When we were calling folks Fri evening to remind them about their spots, we got tickled because at one point folks were dropping like flies...and just as we would almost get ready to panic...God would send a replacement and we would giggle and move on to the next call. I was so blessed to get a 3pm Sat afternoon slot! Praise His Name! (Travis always makes me take whatever is left... some years I suffer through the wee hours...and y'all know I am a 10pm pumpkin waiting to happen!) We found extra folks to fill in for pukers (the flu is rampant!) and someone slid in for Pastor all was well! However, I did have to take my children with me this time because Travis needed to stay at the hospital with Billie until he was in recovery...and at first I was thinking I may have to hog-tie Caleb...but once he realized the reverence, he read the prayer points to me and Peyton in a whisper and then asked God to be with Pastor Billie. It was sweet! Then he enjoyed hammering my sticky notes and even wrote one of his own! The boy is growing up (maybe!!!). I only had to pop my fingers at him once the entire 30 was truly a miracle!

And then Sunday plans were altered so Travis could prepare his sermon for Sunday night. It is so funny to say that sentence! Who would have thought 10 years ago he would be in a pulpit filling in for the Pastor?? I would have laughed like Sarah at that thought! As his wife I thought he did really well...I may be just a little biased though! haha He made me cry with the reference to Pa...but who would have expected anything less from

His message was about Honoring we can honor God in the basic things we do. How have you honored God today? Have you lived so that others see Him shining through in the basic things you do? It is easier than you think! You can read your Bible regularly, pray, seek Him. And an easy way is to honor each other in word and deed. This brings honor to God when His people live in unity! Do something nice and unexpected for someone every day this week!

Think about it...what can you do to honor God?

In Him,
Kristy =)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

WMU Celebration and Salvation!

The NC WMU 125th anniversary celebration is Sunday, January 30th at 3pm. EVERYONE is invited. It is going to be so much fun! We have a silent auction planned and SNACKS! No weight watcher point counting that day for me! ha It is at the Pine Level Missionary Baptist Church. Let me know if you'd like to go so we can plan food.

Tim talked Wed night in his message about salvation. Specifically "Can a saved person be lost?" Can you lose your salvation once you have it? I know the answer is absolutely NOT...if you are truly saved then you can never ever lose it! (Re: John 10:28, John 3:16, Rom 1-2, the list goes on...)

But I admit...I have pondered that a lot in life. What defines being "saved"? You see, I walked down the alter aisle as a child in a church that was never actually mine during a revival of sorts with many other folks and over the years because of my dysfunctional childhood have blocked nearly every single memory out until I was in High School. As I have grown older I always wandered...was I really saved at that time? I have no recollection of the event...only what others tell me. So was it real? As I got older and more aware of the importance of FOREVER...I decided I needed to be concerned. And honestly now...many Bible Studies later...I don't think I was truly saved that day as a child. I was a good person for the most part, and did many good works but they were only good works and nothing more because they were done with faith in me instead of Jesus. In my name and glory instead of in Jesus' name and glory given to Him.

Truly, I did not get it...until Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby the Spring or Summer of 2003 at WMBC. You see....I had never experienced God and become new. I had the same old heart I always had...but I had walked down an aisle and repeated a prayer. I went through the outward motions but never experienced the inward cleansing. Personally, I think there has to be a heart change when you accept Jesus as Lord over your life. And I never experienced that until later in life. But for some many years, I would have called myself a Christian because I believed God existed and I was not a murderer. In my worldly way of thinking...that is all you needed to make you a believe in God and not kill anyone. But James 1:27 says "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." I never truly understood that the "believing"in John 3:16 was in Jesus, God's only Son who came to earth and walked and lived and died on the cross for my sins, and on the third day arose in victory and ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father! I don't think everyone realizes the significance of the difference in believing in God and believing in Jesus! The Pharisees and Sadducees believed in God, but not Jesus. And if I lived thinking this while attending church and trying to "be good" many others sitting in church pews across the world think the same thing? It makes my heart hurt to think about it.

Wed night Tim challenged us to decide if we had ANY DOUBT of our salvation...and through the grace of God currently I do not, Praise Jesus!

I extend his challenge to you...if you have ANY DOUBT. Read your Bible, Pray, Seek Counsel from your Pastoral Staff...remove all doubt...that is what satan thrives on...doubt! If he can make you doubt...he can keep you from experiencing the change of heart! He did this to me for many years...and he tries to do it now...DAILY...but I constantly rebuke him in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior who redeemed me!

DISCLOSURE: And of course I need to clarify...I am not a theologian. I am not schooled or certified or anything professional (in case that is not obvious!). So everything in this post (and every other post as a matter of fact) is my personal belief and opinion and experience and does not represent the beliefs or opinions or experiences of WMBC and especially not the staff! This blog is created for Women's Ministry at WMBC but to make it real for you two reading it I try to include personal examples from my own screwed up life as illustrations for you to laugh at, cry with, or shake your head at. Because women need other women...plain and simple. And we need to know that other women are not perfect either so we can stop beating ourselves up for not being like them...but that is another day's post.

So don't go telling Billie and Tim that I am completely crazy and misrepresenting the church's good name...I am certain they already know that I am crazy and with that disclosure I am not mirepresenting! haha

In Him,
Kristy =)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What are you reading?

If you follow Beth Moore's LPM Blog, please check it today...there is an urgent prayer request for a young woman that had a stroke. You can click the link on the right side of this page to get to the LPM Blog. Please lift her and her family up during this time.

I am reading "Radical" right is pretty good. I am only in Ch 2 so I have aways to go. I can't wait to get "Soul Print" the new release from Mark Batterson. He gave a couple sneak peek excerpts on his blog and it looks like it will be very good.

And I am fixin to start a new Book/Bible Study...Joyce Meyer...Battlefield of the Mind. I am excited about it because I firmly believe that satan attacks your mind and causes you to doubt and stumble...if you ever lose focus on are a sitting duck! Kind of like the BCS are the duck and satan is the tiger and he will devour you if you are not ready!

What are you reading right now? If you don't have anything currently, check the right side of this page for some of my old favorites! And I can probably loan them to you... Or you could read your Bible! 15 minutes a day gets you through the entire thing in one year!!!!

Funny Story about the Bible...Travis and I were working on typing out the prayer vigil points last night and we decided that we needed to give the background on King Jehoshaphat and his prayer for protection from the army coming to attack him. So I typed out the story and Travis made fun of me because I did it in present tense. Like it was happening right now (using words like is, will, etc.). So I did the only thing a good wife could do...I defended that the Bible was real and active and living to me and he needed to stop trying to kill it...we laughed and laughed! But in the end he was flowed better in the past tense wording...haha

But many of you view the Bible as living? If you don't...come see me we need to talk! Until I read the Bible cover to cover I didn't really think of it as living and active myself...I thought of it as old and boring and something my Granny knew way too much about. And now I am turning into her! After the first year of reading it through, or maybe I anticipate each story. I know what is going to happen but I still can't wait to read it. And when Judas kisses Jesus on the cheek...I pray for a different ending because it breaks my heart that I tortured Jesus with my sins while He was on the cross. Of course...the ending is the only way to salvation and I am so thankful for it, but I just get caught up in the action and think maybe this time it will be different.

Anyway...what are you reading? That's what I came to ask. If you do not have anything to read and you are sitting in front of the tv watching whatever is on...find a book. Grow your faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ by reading a good book or THE Good Book. Just don't let the world and tv infiltrate and weaken a sitting duck because the tiger is out there waiting(actually the Bible calls satan a lion waiting to devour and destroy but it just works with my BCS example better if we call him a tiger) . James 1:27 is one of my memory verses from last year...look it up and pay attention to the last few words =)

In Him,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday!

So if you were in service yesterday....have you pondered the "one thing"?
This morning my co-worker and I decided that after 1 week on weight watchers...a candy bar might be the one thing for us! Just kidding. Then we laughed that Billie would tell us we weren't paying enough attention to his

So the one thing...any thoughts? I bet you are surprised that I have some things to

I kind of think once you find the "one thing" that it might surprise the socks off of you! Take me for instance...I tried so hard to make my one thing working with kids. I thought with such good intentions that I would be good at working with children. I was apparently day dreaming or wishing or something...because it became clear that the harder I tried...the more it just wasn't working out. But the one thing I did not want to do was work with adults. I mean seriously...adults have opinions on everything and don't mind sharing them, they have difficult schedules to work with, preconceived notions on ministries and things, etc. Who in their right mind would want to work with adults???? ....well apparently God thinks I am not in my right mind...He is so smart...hehehe

The call from God came...women's ministry. Are you serious? Women are the worst adults of all! Or at least I am! Very clear again...women's ministry. But I must have misunderstood...I thought God said "women's ministry" Maybe He meant to say youth age Or baby women. So I signed up for nursery and to substitute in Youth Sunday School. So then as Billie mentioned God was silent. Life was moving forward, I was still being blessed, but something was missing...hard to put my finger on. Then Experiencing God Bible Study came along and whacked me in the head...during service yesterday Travis laughed because I said his name before Billie did...Henry Blackaby..."if you are not hearing from God...go back and do the last thing He told you to do that you didn't do"...OUCH

So here I am 8 years later...not able to imagine life without being Women's Ministry Leader! Contemplating what I should do next...and asking is this still my one thing? Because I also believe if you obey...God will change your one thing...if you follow.

And I also believe sometimes you have to do more than your one thing if there is a nursery...preschool church...clean bathrooms if needed....where ever there is a hole...I do believe it is our job to fill it. But God will bless you in it...and get you through it...because you saw a need a filled it. Especially an unnoticed need.

Praying for safety and power to stay on!
In Him,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The S word and other babblings

I cannot believe what I am hearing...another significant Snow event for us! I know some you hate it...but you have to is so pretty! As for me...I LOVE IT! I am such a child over it...and I have no clue why. I love to make snow cream and eat it until I could puke. This year my mother-in-law gave me an idea that stole the show....I toasted pecans with salt and butter, then crushed them and mixed them in the snow was Butter Pecan flavored and to D-I-E for! Mostly, I just like to walk in where to go and no reason...just walk (I won't tell you that I am the chunky one on the left...that is another post another day!)...see...snow is so pretty!
And so peaceful...until we get out the car hood and four wheeler...and the fun really begins! none of that was Women's Ministry related in any way...I digress so easily. sorry *grin*
So last night I read more about Abram...who finally became Abraham. And I thought of another component to Obedience...FAITH. It takes faith to obey. (I believe Tammy said Billie's sermon started with Belief..and since I wasn't there, I am doing my own version starting with Faith...but Faith and Belief are SO Part of why I chose the Faith angle is because it is easy to Believe something exists like believing God exists...(my scripture verse last time was James 2:19 - LOVE IT) but it is not so easy to believe "Believing" His Word and Promises are true and His love unconditional...see previous post. And I think faith addresses the "Believing" God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do and loves us unconditionally and so on and so on. To me faith is kind of like instead of believing in have faith to believe God in all circumstances and that if you obey Him you will be blessed whether now or in Glory! also allows you to not care when!
So to need Faith before you can Obey! How is your faith? What is your faith in? man or God? Sometimes as women I think we have harder times with faith because we tend to let others let us down. Women get closer emotionally to relationships. Or at least in my house we do! ha I cannot count the number of outstanding Christians that I have placed too much trust in and too much reliance on...and then...crash...they let me down and I am crushed and vow to never have faith in ANYONE again. But looking back...I have to wonder if God orchestrated the let down to show your faith in man and he will let you down EVERY TIME but place your faith in Jesus and you will have peace regardless of the circumstance or environment.
Don't' believe me...put your faith in me...and eventually I too will disappoint you...not intentionally, and not maliciously but because I am human and because God's Word says "ALL fall short of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23)! So save yourself the trouble...don't set up a man or woman to fall. Put your faith in the only One...Jesus....Praise Him!
So far we have...Faith + Obedience = ????? stay tuned ;)
In Him,
Kristy =)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Woo Hoo for Wednesday!

I am so is Wed. No one in my house is puking (yet) so we get to go to church tonight! Beware...I hear other houses have started with the bug. I hope it spares everyone!

So last night...I read my Bible Guide and learned more about Obedience. I think he is considered the poster child for obedience...Abraham. (Whereas I am the poster child for Adult ADHD.) In my Bible margin I had written these words..."God said Go and Abraham had no further conversation about it...he just WENT!"

In case you need a refresher...Gen 12:1-4a "The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So Abram went, as the LORD had told him;..."

WOW...Obedience. How often does someone ask you to do something and you say "Let me pray about it before I commit". Do you truly pray? I don't always. Do you seek God's guidance? I don't always. Or do you breath a sigh of relief and pray instead that they find another person to do the task? I do this alot more often than I care to admit! An answered prayer is an answered prayer...right? just kidding!

Seriously, Abraham got me thinking...when someone asks me to do something...what if it is really God whispering to me? We know that God speaks to us in 4 different ways...(assuming you respect and believe Henry Blackaby knows something - please don't tell me if you do may break my heart...haha)...1) His Word 2) Prayer 3) Circumstances 4) His People . What if the invitation for the task is the invitation from God to work with Him in an area? Should we really be so quick to dismiss and move on? What if we miss out on the blessing he is trying to give us? How many blessings have I missed because I let others fill tasks that God meant for me? Oh my...I dont even want to consider!

So there you go...the continued journey of Obedience...lunch break is stay tuned!

In Him,
Kristy =)

PS - Interesting statistic....this is the 100th post...not that it matters or relates...I just could not believe it had been 100 times! ha

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
I feel so out of touch since we missed church yesterday. Well technically we went but left before Sunday School started with a sick child...hopefully we didn't spread any germs while we were in the building for 8 minutes!

So today I am home with her still puny but feeling better because she is getting stir crazy.

I am reading in Genesis right now. The story of Noah. I never get tired of that story. I used to love it because it was such a story of hope. Very inspiring. But now I love it because it is such a story of obedience. I never thought of the obedience side of Noah. He did something that God told him to do while everyone around him said he was crazy. He had never seen rain before. He probably did not truly understand what the term "flood" meant. But because God told him to build the ark...he built the ark. No questions, no whining, no nothing...just pure obedience.

How different would my life be if I was less like Moses (why me God???) and more like Noah (yes sir God!!!)?

Maybe in 2011 I can be more obedient!

Have a Jesus filled week! Find Him in the small stuff!

In Him,
Kristy =)